The project, concluded in September 2021, involved many partners including, as leader, the Metropolitan City of Milan, for which the consulting activity was carried out.
Metro Adapt

Communication design consultancy for the Metropolitan City of Milan as part of the Life – Metro Adapt project
The aim of the project was to analyze and study the climatological situation of the Municipalities belonging to the Metropolitan City of Milan, to bring to the attention of technicians and policy makers the impact of climate change on the livability of the territory, to study and catalog possible mitigation solutions. and make the analyzed data and the identified solutions usable.
The role of Basta. was to support the Metropolitan City of Milan and the project partners in the task of communicating the project results and explaining and making replicable the design method used to other public bodies (eg Italian and European Metropolitan Cities).
During the collaboration Basta. took care of the creation of textual content, infographics and visual materials that were used for internal presentations and for participation in presentation events (most of which took place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic).
He also oversaw the project and the creation of interactive tools to support the dissemination of project results.

Tool for the dissemination of results aimed at the Municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Milan (project and content curated by Basta., Development curated by a partner company)

Tool for the dissemination of the contents of the PTM (Metropolitan Territorial Plan) of the Metropolitan City of Milan (project, contents and development by Basta.)

Tool for the replicability of the working method, aimed at Municipalities and Metropolitan Cities in Italy and Europe.